
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Boyz II Men - End of the Road



Good option for quick online file-sharing would most likely be zShare.

You can upload files up to 250 megs, and it immediately gives you a URL for sharing the download to the world. This is probably the best service for easy file-sharing. The only problem is that you do not get an account so their is no way to keep track of all your uploaded files unless you write all the URL's down. 

You can share files, music, video, and audio. Whatever you want to share to the world can be processed with zShare

Overall it is great for quick sharing, not for long term.

Domino World Record

Did that take like 10 years or something??? Seems like such a waste of time for it to be all over in like 5 minutes. So very sad.

Media Fire

For the best online file-hosting service, check out MediaFire.

- Unlimited Storage space
- Unlimited bandwidth (great for sharing files between people)
- 100 meg file size (a little low for me but that covers almost all of my stuff)
- They never delete your files once on their server, so you wont have to worry about accessing your files every month or week.
- Easy uploader makes uploading files simple.
- Gives your URL location and embedded HTML code for every file you have.
- Secure with many account privacy settings.
- Supports all media formats (mp3, mp4, mpeg, avi, wmv, .doc, .ppt, everything, etc.)

Overall, this is my favorite file-hosting site out there. Easy, safe, and fun to share.

Zoho Online

This is a demonstration showing the capabilities of Zoho with their presentation tool. You can embed the slide show, you can add it to a website or anything you want. Zoho also has other document tools that you can do anything you want with.

The following presentation is a  project I did to show the features that the player has. It does make sharing an ease. Zoho is a great site for multimedia sharing and online documentation. With many features and unlimited capabilities I would recommend trying Zoho out.

Other features on Zoho.

You may have problems viewing the slideshow using Safari 3. Try using internet explorer or Firefox. Sorry, and thank you.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Thursday, January 3, 2008

China Again...

When I found this photograph, the title of it was, "Another Toy Recalled From China". I find this to be very funny.


Cop Tazers Himself

As you can see in the video near the end, he accidently turns the tazer on and ends up hitting the deck hard. That is kind of interesting don't you think. He should be fired for being stupid.

Dumb Workout

This guy seems to be doing this all wrong. I also found it funny when it falls over onto the ground and he is just laying there like what now. Then all the people around are like, what?!?! and finally help the poor noob.

Car Runover

This lady gets hit by this car that slides on the ice. The only problem is, she gets caught under the front of the car and it slides about 100 feet with her under the front of the car. That seems like it could be a problem doesn't it? Luckily, she survived.

Vapor Cone Fly By

As the plane flies by at 25 feet above the sea, a vapor cone forms from the water because of the high speed. Pretty cool.

My Personality Painting

Check out this site to create your own masterpiece. It reflects your personality after a quick test.

Who is that?

It looks like... YOUR MOM!

Wiii Disasters

This seems like a total disaster. The mom didnt seem as mad as I thought one might be.

This lady seems like she is having too much fun. What a good time for something to go wrong.

At least this wiimote didnt hit the television screen. If it did, there would be glass all over the place. But it was till pretty damn loud.

I dont even understand this one. He just randomly throws the remote on the table because he is pissed off at something. Kinda funny.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Interesting Pool

This seems like a very cool pool. I would love to swim in it, except for that one time where the glass breaks at the end and everyone in it dies. Other than that its great!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Top Torrent Sites

Below, I give you all the sites you need to start getting torrents.

Azurues  -- The (free) software you will need to download the torrents.
BitRocket  -- A second choice for a free torrent downloader. Just as good as Azurues.
ThePirateBay -- Top choice for best torrents and top 100 lists.
Torrentz  -- Metacrawler of all the best torrent sites, good choice if you know what  your looking for.
Torrent Valley -- Largest selection of torrents, has catagories.

What are torrents?
Torrents are files that have been spread out over the internet in pieces. The downloaders then take the pieces that have been spread around, and combine them into one file. Then you get the file you want. You can get movies, music, photos, and games. Anything you want, you can get.

For serial numbers for programs that must be registered, you can check out either SerialSeeker (has windows software), or iSerial (which is mac). Both give you serial numbers and names for almost all the applications that you can ever need. Have fun!

Grandmas Cookies

When was this picture taken? If it was in the last 60 years, I think we have a problem!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

SNL Christmas

I know that it is late, but i still like this video.

Torrent Finder